Saturday, December 19, 2009

Where's the Beef?

I lit the candles for Hannukah this year, as I try to do every year, singing the prayer in Hebrew phonetically, and dripping wax on the table.

This was the first year that my son was aware of Hannukah. On the first night, as I began to light the candles, he started to sing "happy birthday". I told him that this was not in fact a birthday despite the presence of candles. He seemed unconvinced and after listening to me recite the prayer, looked around and asked, "wheres zee cake?"

In other news, I started the boxing. My arm is trembling as I write this post. That's how out of shape I am.

1 comment:

  1. So, did he at least get a latke?
    May the light of the holiday season continue to brighten your home and warm your aching arm muscles!
